50 Shades of SEO

No more Mr Grey(hat) Even though working in SEO may feel like the being in some of the lesser-known scenes from “Of Human Bondage,” with Big G as the cold and unfeeling waitress, not all is without hope.  Despite the fickle and capricious changes of algorithm, there is some flickering, guttering, glimmering light showing the way… Continue reading 50 Shades of SEO

Categorized as SEO

When is a triptych not a triptych?

When it’s unhinged! First joke of the reanimated blog. Apologies for the awful pun, but – trust me! – it is relevant. I had just completed the third of a set of paintings focussed on ‘life in Gozo’ under the notional title of ‘The Gozo Triptych’ when it struck me that joining them together, physically… Continue reading When is a triptych not a triptych?

Categorized as Art